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Recruiting RNG Interview

3 Star 2020 QB Hunter Dunn is Rifling His Way through 5A Texas Defenses

Written by Ryan Wright

Twitter: @RyanWrightRNG

Stats are nothing without perspective and the look into the numbers put up by quarterback Hunter Dunn during the 2018 season are impressive on the surface and with a deeper look. The Class of 2020 gunslinger ripped through 5A Texas defenses, which is not an easy task, rifling for 2,926 yards with 19 touchdowns completing 169 of 242 passes along the way. The productivity on the field for the 6-3, 180-pound, Tomball High School standout has earned him three-star recruiting status, an offer from Temple, and college coaches across the country wanting to see what he can do when the lights turn on come Friday night during his senior campaign.

In an RNG exclusive interview partnered with QB Hit List, I spent some time with one of the Lone Star State’s most productive quarterbacks getting an inside look at his game and offseason workouts.


Hunter, watching game reel on you, it looks like you enjoy slinging the rock in the Spread for the Cougars. How does the Spread fit your overall skillset as a quarterback?

“I like it. I don’t run very much so it is easier for me to run the offense. I can make any throw on the field needed.”

How do you prepare for a given game during the season?

“I prepare through practice, connecting with my receivers during the week, and working out.”

During your junior year, how did you improve on taking film study and reps in practice against the scout team to the field for a game to exploit defenses?

“Yes. My coach would stay after practice with me to help me understand defenses better so I could read them and make plays during the game.”

What are some of your favorite routes to hit within the offense?

“I like hitting comebacks, post, and digs.”

How did your overall game improve last season?

“I think I became more mobile last year and my arm got stronger.”

What have you been working on this offseason?

“I have been working on getting faster, connecting better with my receivers – we have some new ones this year, learning the offense more, and better understanding defenses to make every play I need to do to win games next year.”

Where are you seeing the biggest improvements with the work put into your game?

“I am definitely getting faster. I am putting on more weight. I am up to 180 now.”

Have you competed at any big camps this offseason?

“Yes. I have competed at Tulane, UT (Texas), (Texas) A&M, SFA (Stephen F. Austin), Yale, the Opening, Rivals, and Under Armour.”

How did the A&M camp performance go for you?

“It went really well. I slung the ball around and impressed the coaches.”

What were you able to showcase with your talents to impress the coaches?

“I was able to showcase my arm strength and my ability to read defenses.”

Are there anymore camps on the schedule this summer?

“Yes. I am going to a Furman camp.”

After all the camps attended, which schools are now showing interest in you?

“I am receiving interest from A&M, UTEP, Yale, SFA, Sam Houston, Furman, and Houston.”

Your first offer came from Temple. What was it like for you getting that offer?

“It was a blessing. I was shocked when I found out. It felt great to know all my hard work paid off. I know I have to keep grinding.”

Which schools have you visited this offseason?

“I have visited A&M a couple of times – they are close to home, UT, and UH (Houston).”

Looking into the classroom, what is your cumulative GPA?

“My GPA is a 3.6.”

Nice. Have you taken the ACT and/or SAT yet?

“Yes, sir. I scored a 1220 on the SAT.”


“Thank you.”

Back to football. How did the Cougars look during spring ball?

“We look a lot better. We are coming together. We are getting together to work and improve. We will have a good team next year based on spring ball.”

Over the summer months, how are you taking leadership of the team keeping guys on point before fall camp begins?

“I am making sure everyone is coming to workouts, coming to 7v7 practices, and staying around to learn the plays. We are straight business this fall. We have some big games this season, I want to make sure everyone is on point.”

What type of season can the fans expect in 2019?

“They can expect a deep playoff run. We are putting in the work to make a big run this year.”

Hunter, I appreciate your time today and wish you success with your workouts this summer and at the Furman camp.

“Thank you.”


Photo credit: Dunn family; Hunter Dunn at Texas A&M

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