Greisan Follari - QB Hit List

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QBHL Player Greisan Follari Profile image

Greisan Follari

Class of 2027

Pro Style



Premium Member

  • Fountain Fort-Carson
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  • Fountain, CO
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  • Class of 2027
I am a relentlessly dedicated, hard working student athlete completing early college courses for high school. Wanting to challenge myself and take a risk, I took my first math course at the University of Colorado the summer after 7th grade. It was a little scary and a lot of work (an 8 week College Algebra class!) but I really liked my professor and the pace. I decided to leave my local school halfway through 8th grade and I moved to Colorado Early Colleges so I could continue my college classes for high school. This mix of college classes and 5A football with Fountain Fort Carson High School is a perfect fit to push and challenge me academically and athletically. My college courses in high school also will allow me to graduate early. I have a passion for aeronautics, aerospace engineering, football, and fitness and I work hard and hustle for my classes, my team, and my extra training with D1 Training in Colorado Springs and private QB coaching multiple times a week. It's also forcing me to learn time management for sure! As a QB I embrace a team leadership role and am always here to build my teammates up- on the field, on the sidelines, in the weightroom, and in school. I learn something new about my game and myself every day and look for every chance I can get to grow and improve as a well-rounded person. Being a part of a close team family is by far the most rewarding aspect that first drew me to football and Fountain Fort Carson and these relationships are something that is so rewarding to me. I hope to continue my engineering studies and build an exciting career in aerospace/aeronautics while expanding my football family experiences in a competitive and supportive environment.


Height: 6'0"

Weight: 160 lbs.

Pro Style

GPA: 4.3

Evaluation Scores

Size: 8.8

Footwork: 8.46

Accuracy: 8.50

Poise: 8.58

Arm Strength: 8.52

Pocket Presence: 8.52

Release: 8.52

Decision Making: 8.56

Throw on Run: 8.48

Touch: 8.54

Score: 85.48

Scouting Report

Greisan has good size for a 2027 Pro Style QB at 6’0” 155 lbs. I like this QB's determination and grit. A tall presence in the pocket, able to oversee the entire field. An intelligent QB who understands the game. Takes what the defense gives him.
Displays sharp precision passing at short/intermediate range with throws made of tight trajectory. Consistent delivery with sound throwing mechanics.
Greisan has plenty of arm strength, able to hit in all areas of the field. High velocity throws at every level. Solid vertical passing game, creating a longer extension of the field.
An over the top delivery with a fully extended arm motion. He’s able to work through his delivery in a hurry, allowing for a quicker release. High release point, adding lift to his delivery.
Good mobility and quickness working to the outside. Lines up with his intended target with rotational swing.
An athletic QB who displays good mobility and agility. A long stride runner who can get across the field quickly.
Greisan controls the pace of the game with his ability to put drives together. Good awareness of space around him, maneuvers around traffic while buying time.
A tall platform, seeking out big play opportunities downfield.
Picks up on incoming pressure while moving laterally in either direction.
Works well through his progressions, going from his primary to secondary outlets. A quick hitting QB who’s very decisive with his throws.
He’s got a sweet touch pass that gets over the top with just enough air. Does a nice job making the proper adjustments to the velocity of his throws.


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